Articles for Tag: "headaches"

Can pregnancy reduce migraines? 
Can pregnancy reduce migraines?
These painful headaches sometimes improve but they can also get worse when you’re expecting. Learn more.
5 tips for a migraine-free holiday season 
5 tips for a migraine-free holiday season
Learn how to manage food and drinks to help prevent migraine pain that can dampen your festivities.
Mindfulness may mitigate migraines 
Mindfulness may mitigate migraines
A new study investigates the effectiveness of meditation on migraine severity and frequency.
Infographic: New technology aims to mitigate migraines 
Infographic: New technology aims to mitigate migraines
A new device is offering hope for those who suffer from migraines.
New technology aims to mitigate migraines  Featured
New technology aims to mitigate migraines
Doctors say there are natural ways to help stabilize a migraine. But there is a also a new device claiming to do the same thing.
FDA approves migraine treatment device 
FDA approves migraine treatment device
A breakthrough in migraine treatment that has no side effects? Experts say it’s real and it’s here.
Is your headache caused by stress? 
Is your headache caused by stress?
New research finds that headaches triggered by stress are more common than you think.