Articles for Tag: "lung cancer"

5 myths about lung cancer  Featured
5 myths about lung cancer
Misinformation in any shape or form can be dangerous.
Are you breathing toxic air? 
Are you breathing toxic air?
Despite continued improvements in quality, millions of Americans still breathe dangerously polluted air.
The No. 1 cancer killer in the U.S. is the least likely to be screened 
The No. 1 cancer killer in the U.S. is the least likely to be screened
New research reveals one group of high-risk individuals isn’t getting checked.
A simple screening saved my life  Featured
A simple screening saved my life
At the age of 65, Mary Debrick-Johnson got a lung screening even though she had no symptoms or signs of cancer. When the results came in, they found a tumor.
5 things you don’t know about tobacco  Featured
5 things you don’t know about tobacco
Did you know smoking can cause your hair to gray prematurely? A community health specialist shares some surprising facts.
Carbohydrates linked to lung cancer 
Carbohydrates linked to lung cancer
Smoking isn’t the only risk factor for America’s deadliest cancer, a new study finds.
Graphic images on cigarette packs may encourage smokers to quit 
Graphic images on cigarette packs may encourage smokers to quit
More effective warning labels could have a big impact on public health, a new study suggests.