Articles for Tag: "marathon"

The pain of running a marathon quickly forgotten 
The pain of running a marathon quickly forgotten
If you’ve ever wondered why people run this 26.2 mile race over and over again, this survey may explain why.
Are athletes drinking too much water? 
Are athletes drinking too much water?
Let your thirst guide you if you are trying to stay hydrated.
What do marathoners think about while running? 
What do marathoners think about while running?
A new study takes a look at what runners think about while spending hours pounding the pavement.
Beer as a recovery drink?  Featured
Beer as a recovery drink?
Find out if sipping a cold one at the end of a race will offer any health benefits.
Can excessive running be harmful on your body? 
Can excessive running be harmful on your body?
One study tells obsessive runners to slow down or risk their lives.
It’s possible to run too much 
It’s possible to run too much
Moderate joggers have a lower risk of mortality compared to those who run more frequently.
Can hill training increase risk of injury? 
Can hill training increase risk of injury?
Experts share how the Achilles tendons fair against hill running. Learn more.