02.20.19 There is nothing permanent except change. 
02.20.19 There is nothing permanent except change.
10.31.18 HALLOWEEN – Suddenly the day was gone. Night came out from under each tree and spread. 
10.31.18 HALLOWEEN – Suddenly the day was gone. Night came out from under each tree and spread.
10.30.17 Out of difficulties grow miracles. 
10.30.17 Out of difficulties grow miracles.
10.27.17 Do your best until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better. 
10.27.17 Do your best until you know better. Then, when you know better, do better.
10.26.17 If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. 
10.26.17 If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
11.21.18 Be where your feet are. 
11.21.18 Be where your feet are.
10.24.17 There isn’t a way things should be. There’s just what happens, and what we do. 
10.24.17 There isn’t a way things should be. There’s just what happens, and what we do.