Get to know your nurses – part II

health enews continues our salute to nurses with part II of our week-long Q&A series.
In honor of National Nurses Week (May 6-12), we asked some esteemed caregivers to share their thoughts on the profession. Here’s what they had to say:
Q: Do you have a fascinating, surprising or funny nursing school memory?
“The first time that I tried to bathe a patient was probably one of the oddest experiences of my life. It’s not something that just came naturally to me. I fumbled quite a bit and spilled a lot of water. Thankfully, my patient was kind enough to laugh with me about it!” – Alex Santoro, BSN, RN, Advocate Sherman Hospital
Q: How can someone become his/her nurse’s favorite patient?
“My favorite patients are the flirty old men who pretend to be trouble makers. Or the little old ladies who have their hair done and their makeup on and just enough sass to make you laugh.” – Lena Burns, BSN, RN-BC, Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital
Q: What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse?
“The fact that every day I have the unique opportunity to make a profound difference in a patient’s life, and one that extends to their family and community.” – Kim Fojtik-Mann, clinical coordinator, Advocate Condell Medical Center
“The diversity of the nursing profession allows a constant stream of change, novelty and opportunity.” – Kathleen Maida, RN, Advocate Christ Medical Center
Q: How did you find your calling as a nurse?
“My mother was a nurse, and I wanted to follow in her footsteps. She always used to come home and tell me about her day at work, and how she was able to teach her patients. She gave them comfort when they needed it.” – Yolanda Adagbaba, nurse clinician, Advocate Trinity Hospital

Yolanda Adagbaba
“Ever since I was a little girl, I used to pick up wounded bugs and animals and try to care for them and bring them into the house.” – Sarah Twillie, RN, Advocate Trinity Hospital
Q: If you could offer one piece of advice to doctors, what would it be?
“Your patients want you to not only be heard by them, but to be listened to. Patients have told me numerous times that they feel confident with a physician that really listens.” – Cathy Towers, BSN, Advocate Heart Institute
Q: For someone who might be thinking about becoming a nurse, what would you tell them?
“I would tell them that nursing in my eyes is the BEST, most rewarding, most satisfying and gratifying career there is. I always say if I won the lottery, I would still work as a nurse! So go for it!!!” – Karen Pisarski, RN, CVRN, Advocate Christ Medical Center
Share your thoughts about your experience as a nurse in the comments below!
And if you missed part I of our series, read it here.
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About the Author
Adam Mesirow, health enews managing editor, is media relations director of Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. Securing high-profile media placements for more than a decade, he loves to tell a good story. Adam earned a Bachelor’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Michigan. He lives in Chicago and enjoys playing sports, reading TIME magazine and a little nonsense now and then.