Feeling helpless?

Yes, you’ve been told to stay home. But you may be thinking: There’s a worldwide pandemic. How can I help if I have to stay home? With so many people affected, it is understandable to feel like you want to help but can’t.
“One of the most crippling things we can feel is helplessness. We may feel we aren’t making a difference in the face of a crisis,” says Kevin Massey, Vice President of Mission and Spiritual Care for Advocate Aurora Health. “But I would invite people to think about it a little bit differently.”
Massey explains that sometimes “doing nothing” is actually accomplishing something. Social distancing, flattening the curve, and slowing the spread of the virus, is truly saving lives. Being vigilant about staying home, wearing a mask or washing your hands can be an act of love and support for someone in your life. And if you’re missing the connection to others, there could be some simple ways to help that, too.
“If you belong to a faith or reflective practice tradition where activities such as prayer or meditation are practiced, do those things in these challenging days. However your tradition defines it, you will be contributing towards the positive energy of your community,” Massey says.
Another great way to feel connected and make a difference to is to volunteer at a local organization, sew masks for neighbors or community members, or make a gift to an organization that’s supporting those directly impacted by COVID-19. For example, Advocate Aurora Health Foundations have set up a Crisis Fund for Critical Care to provide additional resources and support to patients, families and team members.
“Every single gift, no matter the size, is helping the people who truly need it,” explains Randy Varju, President of Advocate Aurora Health Foundations. “Our organization has treated and discharged nearly 3,000 coronavirus patients and I know that community support has given our caregivers the inspiration they need to keep going.”
For helpful information from our experts and to learn about ways to support our frontline teams, our patients and their families, please visit our online resource centers in Wisconsin and Illinois.
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About the Author
Tami Hughes is a public affairs coordinator for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She attended college at the University of Miami and loves watching her Hurricanes play just about anything. She enjoys cooking and going to concerts with her husband. Her heart is made happy by her children, Neenah and Jack, and her dog child, Rizzo.