Diet plans that boost heart health

Changing the way you eat can change your life for good. Adopting healthier eating habits can improve your heart health and reduce your risk of coronary artery disease.
Making healthy swaps, like having low-calorie, fiber-rich apple slices instead of potato chips with your sandwich, can also help you manage diabetes and blood pressure – two conditions that can increase your risk of heart disease.
Barbara Melendi, a registered dietitian Advocate Health Care, says, “Diabetes and hypertension are risk factors for a variety of conditions, including coronary artery disease, stroke and kidney disease. Adopting a few new healthy food habits can help manage these common conditions and have countless positive impacts on overall health.”
Melendi notes that one good option for healthy eating is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) plan. She says it’s practical, family-friendly, affordable and sustainable. The guidelines for DASH are readily available for free online. “You won’t need to buy expensive supplements or foods. You can gradually switch to familiar foods that will replace previous food choices,” she says.
The DASH eating plan was originally developed to address high blood pressure. It focuses on decreasing sodium intake while encouraging eating lots of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
According to the American Diabetes Association, the DASH eating plan also helps lower blood glucose levels, which helps control diabetes. DASH has also been rated highly by U.S. News & World Report for many years. The diet is also good for the planet since it recommends eating more plant-based foods and fewer meat products.
The Mediterranean diet, which is recommended by the American Heart Association, and the Ornish diet are additional plans that help manage diabetes and blood pressure. A medical weight loss expert can offer nutritional guidance and make suggestions on how to tweak the meal plans to focus on coronary artery disease prevention.
“These healthy eating plans may also be adapted by your dietitian to promote weight loss,” Melendi says. “Some studies have shown that losing even 5% to 7% of body weight has benefits for reducing your risk of certain diseases.”
Want to learn more about your risk for heart disease? Take a free online assessment.
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About the Author
Jo Linsley, a health enews contributor, is a freelance copywriter at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. With decades of experience in writing and editing, she continues to aspire to concise and inspiring writing. She also enjoys knitting and singing as creative outlets and for their meditative qualities.
I am a lifelong alcoholic I have stopped as a four weeks ago again I’m losing weight and would like to eat healthier not sure where to start
Congrats Jake, that’s not an easy feat to do! While I don’t necessarily have some place to start, my grain-of-salt advice would be to make sure you are slowly adding in the good things before slowly removing the less good things. Think add an apple every other day for two weeks, and on week two start cutting back to 3 cookies instead of eating an entire sleeve, then work towards an apple everyday. I personally don’t recommend pulling anything cold-turkey (unless that works best for you), as many people find it easier to end up binging if you deprive yourself of it. Good luck on your journey!
Smoothies made from nutritious ingredients (veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, etc.) are a great way to add vitamins, minerals, fiber, & micro nutrients to your diet. Include a couple scoops of a whey or plant-based protein powder, too.