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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
When it comes to handling a sickness, most Americans turn to a higher power for help, according to a new study.
The study, led by author Jeff Levin, director of the program on religion and population health at Baylor University in Texas, found that almost 87 percent have prayed for healing for others. A little over half said they did so often, and about 80 percent of Americans stated they prayed for healing for themselves at some point in their lives, according to the survey of more than 1,700 adults across the United States.
Nearly 54 percent have asked for prayers for their health, 26 percent have given a “laying on of hands” for healing, and 53 percent have been part of a prayer group, prayer circle or prayer chain, the research found.
“Throughout human history, people have prayed to God and received strength to face and overcome an illness,” says Rev. Fred Rajan, Vice President of Mission and Spiritual Care at Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital in Barrington, Ill.
“Prayer has the power to not only cure a disease but to heal an illness,” Rev. Rajan says. “Believing God is listening, God hears one’s cries and shouts of joy; knowing you can talk to God, or better yet, you can pour out to God without fear of embarrassment, is freeing and liberating for someone longing for healing.”
Have you prayed for your own health or someone else’s?
health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
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It is so refreshing to see that people still believe that prayer still works!!!! I believe in praying for myself as well as for others because it helps me to have a better outlook and prayer also strengthens my faith. Praising God also is another outlet that helps us to face each day. Pray and Praise goes together. Once again thank you for this article. My prayer is that once others read this that it will cause others to take the chance and try prayer.
I have been praying with my patients for over 20 yrs.
I pray at the end of each visit with those who allow me which is greater than 95% of visits. I pray for healing blessings for the patient and family and thank them for coming at the same time. Sometimes it can get very emotional especially if the child or their family is going through trials but I find it is received positively. I’ve even had families remind me if I happen to be in a hurry to pray with them.
Meanwhile the USA is more secular than ever….