Is sleep coaching right for your family?

For many families, getting back into a school routine and sleep schedule can be tricky. Earlier bedtimes and mornings require an adjustment period that can take a week or two.
But what happens when a child’s sleep issues don’t resolve after a couple of weeks?
“Sleep troubles can be hard for parents to identify because there are so many factors that can affect a child successfully falling asleep or staying asleep,” explains Dr. Innessa Donskoy, a pediatric sleep specialist at Advocate Children’s Hospital. “Even when families do recognize a sleep issue in their child, they often hesitate to see a pediatric sleep physician because they think their child’s sleep issues are too mild to discuss or they worry an overnight sleep study or medication may be necessary.”
Kids need healthy sleep to thrive while at home and in school. If your child or adolescent isn’t getting the quality sleep they need to be successful, it may be time to speak with their pediatrician, who can refer you to our new sleep coaching program.
“Our pediatric sleep medicine providers are available to see children and families before sleep issues worsen,” says Dr. Donskoy. “We’re available for a low-pressure visit to discuss any sleep concerns parents may have about their child.”
The family-centered visits are a proactive, educational sleep resource for children of all ages. Families can meet with providers via Zoom or in person.
Unlike commercially available sleep coaching or sleep consultations, these visits can be covered by insurance, and there is no limit on the number of follow-up visits with our board-certified sleep medicine physicians.
“When families are in the thick of sleep patterns that are challenging, it can feel overwhelming to figure out what and how to change,” says Dr. Donskoy. “Poor or insufficient sleep can also lead to less than desired daytime behaviors, especially as the day wears on, making changes around bedtime even harder! Our pediatric sleep medicine team can help provide an objective perspective, a plan moving forward tailored to your child/family’s unique needs and follow up support to set you up for success.”
Speak with your child’s pediatrician to determine if sleep coaching is the next step for your child.
Are you having trouble sleeping? Learn more about sleep apnea by taking a free online quiz.
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About the Author
Holly Brenza, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator on the content team at Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago.