What you should know about STIs 
What you should know about STIs
These infections are rising, but are highly preventable.
¿Tuvo actividad sexual durante el COVID-19? Es posible que desee hacerse una prueba de detección de ITS. 
¿Tuvo actividad sexual durante el COVID-19? Es posible que desee hacerse una prueba de detección de ITS.
El distanciamiento social no detuvo el aumento de estas infecciones.
Sexually active during COVID-19? You may want to get screened for STIs. 
Sexually active during COVID-19? You may want to get screened for STIs.
Social distancing did not stop these infections from rising.
Thursday is national HIV testing day. Have you been tested? 
Thursday is national HIV testing day. Have you been tested?
Symptoms may not develop for years after contracting the virus.