Articles for Tag: "breast cancer"

A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030? 
A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030?
New research finds that diagnoses could rise, but experts say there is some good news.
Why ‘battle’ shouldn’t be associated with cancer 
Why ‘battle’ shouldn’t be associated with cancer
Here’s why I dislike using this term as a reference to someone’s journey with cancer.
What we can learn from Angelina Jolie 
What we can learn from Angelina Jolie
The star’s decision to remove her fallopian tubes and ovaries has women talking about prevention.
Sue’s breast cancer journey 
Sue’s breast cancer journey
One inspiring woman provides advice and support to all women.
Precision treatment improving cancer survival rates 
Precision treatment improving cancer survival rates
New technology is helping beat this deadly disease.
My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen 
My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen
Why this little white pill is my daily reminder of how quickly your life can change.
Breast cancer survivors honored 
Breast cancer survivors honored
Take a look at how Advocate Health Care and the Chicago Bulls partnered for a special night.