Articles for Tag: "mammograms"

Your guide to breast cancer screening terminology 
Your guide to breast cancer screening terminology
Brush up on the lingo to feel more comfortable at your next preventive screening.
Federal guidelines on mammograms are changing 
Federal guidelines on mammograms are changing
Here’s when you should you get a potentially lifesaving breast cancer screening, according to the new guidelines.
Do mammograms hurt? They don’t have to 
Do mammograms hurt? They don’t have to
There are a few things to consider that may impact your mammogram experinece, such as your menstrual cycle.
Can you prevent cancer? 
Can you prevent cancer?
Owning your cancer risk may help you actively reduce it.
Breast surgeon advocates top care for all patients  Featured
Breast surgeon advocates top care for all patients
No matter your ethnicity, a routine mammogram could save your life.
Una cirujana de mama defiende la atención de primer nivel para todas las pacientes 
Una cirujana de mama defiende la atención de primer nivel para todas las pacientes
Sin importar su origen étnico, una mamografía de rutina podría salvarle la vida.
Actress Shannen Doherty’s breast cancer announcement is a reminder about risks for women everywhere  Featured
Actress Shannen Doherty’s breast cancer announcement is a reminder about risks for women everywhere
This is what a doctor wants you to know.