5 common warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia

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My mom has early symptoms of Alzheimer’s, my dad has early signs of either Alzheimer’s or dementia and my grandpa currently has it, I’m basically a walking time bomb and I’ve always forgotten things consistently so I have no idea if it’s getting worse or not.
Please make an appointment with a neurologist, if you feel ready to. They would run a few neurologist tests. My mom has early onset Alzheimer’s disease.
I have had a lot of stress in my life over the years “raising” my parents. They are from Italy and I am first born girl. It is my ‘duty’ to take care of them. The stress has been unbearable at times. I am getting help but feel as if my brain is on overload. I’m only 52 but feel like my brain is declining now. work isn’t the greatest and I’m always on 3 different things at once. I am concerned about early Alzheimers. My mom was recently diagnosed and her twin has had it for years. What should I do now? How do I address these concerns?
I have experienced many things that I forget. What bothers me the most that I forget how to call certain objects as simple as a certain spoon. My conversations are always with what do you call that thing. My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in his early 60’s and his sister my aunt also had it. Was caretaker for my Dad, Mom and my Husband.