How safe is it to have sex after surgery?

Many questions can arise after orthopedic surgery: When will I start feeling like myself again? How soon can I return to normal activities? And perhaps one that many people wonder, but don’t often ask: When is it safe to have sex?
Dr. Steven Chudik, an orthopedic surgeon at Advocate Health Care, emphasizes the importance of talking with your doctor about post-operation sex life.
“You are not the first to have questions or concerns. You will not embarrass yourself or your surgeon, so do not let it keep you from discussing your particular situation,” says Dr. Chudik.
One patient may only have to wait a few weeks, while it may be months before others can return to his or her prior sex life. Allowing time for recovery to ensure that complications don’t arise during sexual encounters is crucial.
Dr. Chudik says that the type of injury and surgery, as well as the individual patient’s limits and abilities, play a vital role in how soon he or she can return to sexual activity.
According to Dr. Chudik, a “how-to” guide for getting back into the swing of things does not exist because every patient is different. It is important to discuss your specific situation with your doctor in the privacy of an office visit.
Having a conversation with your doctor is also important for preventing further harm. Returning to your surgeon’s office with an injury caused during sex will be far more embarrassing than any discussion beforehand.
“My goal as an orthopedic surgeon is to help my patients regain their mobility and lifestyle goals, including sex,” says Dr. Chudik.
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health enews staff is a group of experienced writers from our Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care sites, which also includes freelance or intern writers.
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Hi I have a concern I am 52 years old and I just finished having two toes and potatoes on my left foot and I like to know if it is okay to have sex and how soon or is it bad for me