What you should know about apple cider vinegar

Do a quick internet search on apple cider vinegar and you’ll find a slew of health benefits — everything from improving digestion, aiding heartburn, killing bacteria, burning belly fat and lowering blood sugar levels. You’ve probably heard anecdotes from friends and family, too. So, what is this so-called magical stuff and can it really help that much?
Apple cider vinegar is made by crushing apples and then adding bacteria and yeast to cause fermentation. During this process, the sugars are converted to ethanol, and the ethanol is then converted to acetic acid. It’s the acetic acid that has been show in some studies to provide health benefits.
Also produced during fermentation is a stringy mass often referred to as “the mother”. The mother contains small amounts of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron, as well as phenolic acids, a type of antioxidant. Bottled vinegars will list if “the mother” is present.
Studies show that there are some modest health benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar regularly. The three main benefits are:
- Slowing and reducing the increase in blood sugar levels after eating. It may also increase the sense of fullness or satiety after eating, which could lead to less snacking.
- May modestly help with weight loss when part of a calorie-reduced diet. Studies show an additional 2-3 pounds lost over 3 to 6 months with 1-2 tablespoons per day of apple cider vinegar when compared to placebo.
- Reducing cancer-causing compounds in grilled meats by 66-82% when used in marinades before grilling. All vinegars are effective.
However, it’s not quite the miracle-worker that some people claim it is. Studies haven’t found apple cider vinegar helpful in reducing heartburn — in fact, in some cases, it increased heartburn. Also, be cautious when using it as a topical aid, as the acid can be irritating to skin. Regular use can also erode tooth enamel and very large amounts consumed daily can cause potassium excretion and lead to low blood levels of potassium. Lastly, while apple cider vinegar contains anti-bacterial properties, there’s no clinical evidence showing it reduces the risk for colds, flu, sore throats or Covid.
While there may be some slight benefits, it isn’t a “miracle” substance and should be used with caution. If you’d like to use apple cider vinegar, here are some helpful tips.
- Aim for 1 tablespoon diluted in 6-8 ounces of water twice per day after breakfast and dinner.
- To reduce tooth enamel erosion, do not let the vinegar linger in your mouth. Always rinse your mouth with water after swallowing.
- Avoid apple cider vinegar tablets and pills. Studies show them to be ineffective and sometimes harmful.
- Incorporate apple cider vinegars and other vinegars into salad dressings and marinades.
Heather Klug is a registered dietitian and cardiac educator at Aurora Health Care.
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About the Author
Heather Klug, MEd RD is a registered dietitian and cardiac educator at the Karen Yontz Women's Cardiac Awareness Center inside Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center in Milwaukee, WI.
Fellow RD here, love love love this article! Did not know the fact about marinating, you really covered all the bases with this piece.
I, myself, use apple cider vinegar for PICKLING PURPOSES. You can get double the health benefits by simply chopping up ginger, or garlic, placing it into a jar, and then filling the jar with vinegar. It not only preserves the garlic or ginger (each with their own health benefits); but allows you to then easily and directly enjoy them verses having to peal everything before you eat it as a side dish with your meal! (Ginger is particularly a pain to prepare and you wouldn’t do it for just a small portion).
P.S. AFTER you’re finished with the contents, you should then take a few tablespoonfuls of the remaining vinegar each day. It actually has LESS of a bite then and a bit different taste it takes on!
Best way to take Apple Cider Vinegar? Add 1/2-1 teaspoon in a tall glass of Crystal Light Peach Tea! It’s so refreshing and no stinging bite. Just remember it is acid and rinse your mouth to preserve your teeth.
Is apple cider vinegar safe to take? If I have osteoporosis I had heard that vinegar deplete the minerals in the bones.
Hi Doris. That’s a great question. Like many things, too much of even a healthy thing can have side effects. Same is true for vinegar. Small amounts such as a tablespoon or two is fine to consume on a regular basis. Large amounts can be harmful in depleting minerals such as calcium and potassium. While “large” may vary from person to person in what may be considered too much, one case study involving a young woman consuming 8 ounces ( 16 tablespoons) of apple cider vinegar EVERY day for 6 years, led to low potassium levels and osteoporosis. This is far more than what most people consume. Two tablespoons or less each day should be fine and may actually help with getting in many nutrients that help bone density if it means consuming more fruits and vegetables (i.e.–putting vinaigrette dressing on a salad). Stick to small amounts of vinegar, incorporate weight-bearing exercises, and eat a wide variety of healthy foods to maintain/build bone density.
My coworkers and I just read this article and are heavily inspired with the season to incorporate more apple cider vinegar in our diets. We love talking about ways to improve our digestion! Keep more articles coming like this please!
Hi Lisa. Thank you for reading and commenting on the article. Glad you and your coworkers are finding ways to include to include healthy foods into your life!
My husband took apple cider vinegar with the “mother” for about two years and was happy with how he felt. But, about two or three times a year he would get weaker as the day went on and throw up once or twice. He was better the next day, but after this reoccurring for two years he saw a digestive specialist. They put him through every possible test and found nothing. He did stop the cider vinegar and has not had a problem since. So did the vinegar cause the symptoms? We don’t know.
I have been using apple cider vinegar, “the mother”, in a glass of water once/day. I have found that it has deceased sugar cravings and has helped improve my Rosacea from the inside out, by healing my gut. Thank you for this article! I am a fan!