The ultimate gift: Organ donation 
The ultimate gift: Organ donation
Kidney Transplant recipient Joyce McAfee shares her inspirational story about how her niece helped save her life.
How a Supreme Court case on human genes could impact you 
How a Supreme Court case on human genes could impact you
The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in a case that could forever alter human genome research. Here’s what you need to know.
Dual approach to treating brain tumors  Featured
Dual approach to treating brain tumors
Brain tumors require fast action. Read how a team of brain tumor experts at Advocate Christ Medical Center helped to get a 40-something fashionista back to health.
Brain aneurysm: A race to live  Featured
Brain aneurysm: A race to live
A brain aneurysm left 63-year-old Kathy Ciolino fighting for her life. Find out what minimally invasive treatment doctors used to save her life just in time.
Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?  Featured
Facebook: Hobby, habit or addiction?
People say they’re “giving up” Facebook for all sorts of reasons: Maybe it’s after a bad break-up or during Lent. Maybe they are just plain tired of the drama. A leading psychiatrist lays it on the line about how Facebook truly can be an obsession.
Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’ 
Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’
The overuse of antibiotics is creating a potential crisis scientist say. New strains of deadly bacteria are proving difficult, if not impossible, to stop.
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery 
Students get rare view into live open-heart surgery
Tired of telling your teen to sit up, eat right, don’t smoke, slow down and drive carefully? Perhaps some real face time with a physician performing surgery on an unhealthy heart might get the point across.