Articles for Tag: "anesthesia"

A beginner’s guide to anesthesia 
A beginner’s guide to anesthesia
Knowing the facts can help ease your concerns ahead of a procedure.
5 things to consider before having surgery 
5 things to consider before having surgery
A surgeon explains how you can prepare and educate yourself ahead of surgery to ensure a smooth recovery.
Endometriosis Awareness Month: What you need to know 
Endometriosis Awareness Month: What you need to know
An expert explains the debilitating characteristics of a disease that affects nearly five million American women.
Memory loss and undergoing anesthesia 
Memory loss and undergoing anesthesia
A recent study looks at whether people who receive the sleeping gas experience loss of memory.
Text your pain away? 
Text your pain away?
Researchers find that messaging strangers may reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during surgery.
Inside look: Behind the OR doors  Featured
Inside look: Behind the OR doors
Get a behind-the-scenes look at a day in the life of an operating room team dedicated to saving lives.