Articles for Tag: "friends"

Is your child getting enough social interaction this summer? 
Is your child getting enough social interaction this summer?
Time away from school can mean fewer opportunities for your child to see their peers.
5 things to consider before having surgery 
5 things to consider before having surgery
A surgeon explains how you can prepare and educate yourself ahead of surgery to ensure a smooth recovery.
How to make friends as an adult 
How to make friends as an adult
This skill may even benefit your health.
How to break up with a friend as an adult 
How to break up with a friend as an adult
Is it time to have that talk?
You’ve got a friend in me: The power of friendship for your health  Featured
You’ve got a friend in me: The power of friendship for your health
Friends could literally help you get up life’s steepest hills.
The health benefits of adopting a dog 
The health benefits of adopting a dog
Improving your health can be a walk in the park. Consider taking these steps.
Friendship may be more powerful than morphine 
Friendship may be more powerful than morphine
One study examines the relationship between the size of your social network and your ability to ward off pain.