Articles for Tag: "cirrhosis"

Are you at risk for watermelon stomach?  Featured
Are you at risk for watermelon stomach?
Find out if black watermelon seeds are to blame for this condition.
A type of liver disease not caused by alcohol 
A type of liver disease not caused by alcohol
It’s the most common chronic liver disease and can sometimes go unnoticed.
More kids are being injured by toppling TVs 
More kids are being injured by toppling TVs
Find out how to safely install your television set to prevent these accidents from happening.
Hepatitis C may increase risk of heart disease and stroke 
Hepatitis C may increase risk of heart disease and stroke
A cardiologist encourages those at risk to talk to their doctor about getting tested.
How one man’s lifestyle changes saved his life  Featured
How one man’s lifestyle changes saved his life
Jim Meyers’ 180 degree turn helped him avoid a liver transplant.