What’s lurking in your wet bathing suit?

Picture yourself lounging around poolside on a nice summer day. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Well, it may not be so wonderful if you’re lounging around in a wet swimsuit.
“The warm, moist, dark atmosphere in a wet bathing suit is a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast,” says Dr. Valerie Swiatkoski, OB/GYN with Advocate Medical Group.
Coupled with the chemicals and bacteria already found in the water you are swimming in, you are at risk.
“This type of exposure can result in vaginitis, a yeast infection, a rash or a urinary tract infection (uti),” says Dr. Swiatkowski.
And we are not just talking about the ladies here. Men are also susceptible to yeast and bacterial infections from keeping a wet suit on for too long. Most common is tinea cruris, or what is more popularly known as “jock itch”.
“I would also warn that staying in any type of wet or damp clothing for too long would have the same consequences. This pertains to workout clothing as well. So hit the showers and put on some dry clothes upon completing your workout,” recommends Dr. Swiatkowski.
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