Health care heroes: Retraining for the front lines

Many heroes have emerged since the start of the coronavirus pandemic and continue to step up to various challenges. Sheila Melo-Grospe is a registered nurse care manager in the cardiac telemetry unit at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. The telemetry unit of a hospital cares for patients in critical care, requiring constant monitoring.
“Sheila is a hero every day, but she’s gone above and beyond once again,” says Carrie Schmidt, also a nurse in the cardiac telemetry unit. “She is one of our main go-to nurses in our department, and she didn’t choose this but we gravitate towards her because she helps in an effortless manner.”
Sheila is currently enrolled in a master’s program for nursing. On an everyday basis she works a full day, goes home to her four children and husband to provide homemade meals, often for her extended family as well, spends quality time together with her children and then studies for her master’s program.
When the pandemic began, Sheila volunteered for deployment in the intensive care unit (ICU). Previously, she was an ICU nurse and transitioned to care management approximately five years ago. Without any worry or hesitation, Sheila re-trained and picked up where she was needed.
“With faith, all things are possible, says Sheila” “With the strength of your family at home and your family at work, everything we do is worth it. I am thankful for the strength I have been given to do what I can do, for everyone I encounter. I am thankful for everyone’s continued kindness and generosity. I remember what I am thankful for, and remember the people I am working hard for too.”
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About the Author
Neda Veselinovic, health enews contributor, is a public affairs coordinator at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital. She has more than five years of public relations experience and most recently worked with clients in the travel and hospitality industries. She prefers to spend her time with a cup of coffee and a good read and always welcomes book recommendations.
Shelia’s positive outlook on life is so nice to see even in this difficult time.
When you see a hospital from the outside. It looks calm and peaceful, but on the inside a war is raging. Thank you for staying calm and doing your job fearlessly. let’s win this war together. Stay safe !