Articles by "Hannah Koerner"
Hannah Koerner is a Public Affairs Specialist with Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay. In her free time, she enjoys biking, snowshoeing, and cheering on Wisconsin sports teams.
A family shares why leaving the NICU was the hardest part.
This rehabilitation tool is one of the latest advancements in stroke recovery.
Learn how improving your digestion can reduce your risk for this common cancer.
The set of numbers you see during a blood pressure reading each have a meaning. Plus, learn tips on taking your own blood pressure.
The growing popularity of this sport is leading to an increase in injuries, especially among a certain age group.
Trauma can have a lasting impact whether it’s related to physical harm, emotional damage or natural disasters.
From not being able to walk up the stairs to now being able to work again, former breast cancer patient Starlynna Hautamaki experienced lifechanging pain relief.