Articles for Tag: "social media"

Social media may help you quit smoking 
Social media may help you quit smoking
Recent survey results show the power social media plays in getting smokers to dump the habit.
Teen arrests puts spotlight on cyber-bullying problem 
Teen arrests puts spotlight on cyber-bullying problem
The arrest of two Florida juveniles who allegedly bullied another teen girl online until she committed suicide has authorities focused on the role social media plays in bullying.
Cancer support online  Featured
Cancer support online
Find out how the web is helping cancer patients get connected to support groups around the world.
Teens more vulnerable to web danger than they think 
Teens more vulnerable to web danger than they think
As tech-savvy as we might think teens are, a new survey says most of them don’t know how to safely surf the web.
Can social media help prevent HIV? 
Can social media help prevent HIV?
A new study finds that social media sites can be helpful tools in preventing the spread of the virus.
Organ donation gets boost through Facebook 
Organ donation gets boost through Facebook
Social media sites may serve as a valuable tool in public health, study finds.
Twitter helping Americans lose weight 
Twitter helping Americans lose weight
Harnessing the power of social media, some people have been using Twitter as a way to achieve their weight loss goals.