Articles for Tag: "cancer care"

Is this to thank for falling rates of cancer-related deaths? 
Is this to thank for falling rates of cancer-related deaths?
Learn how one cancer therapy delivers radiation to a tumor with increased precision.
‘I was in a fight for my life’ 
‘I was in a fight for my life’
A breast cancer patient-turned-team member shares how she is using her cancer survivorship to help others.
How a wellness visit saved one woman’s life 
How a wellness visit saved one woman’s life
This is why you shouldn’t skip screenings.
The surprising way you may be increasing your cancer risk 
The surprising way you may be increasing your cancer risk
Here’s what you need to know, and what you can do about it.
Cancer survivor shares year-long journey 
Cancer survivor shares year-long journey
Elida Cano has had a busy year, from a mammogram to chemo to multiple surgeries. But now she’s cancer-free.
Blog: Surviving caregiver trauma 
Blog: Surviving caregiver trauma
Advocate’s vice president of mission and spiritual care explains how fostering staff resilience can transform work and daily living for pediatric caregivers.
Antioxidant pills may cause melanoma to spread more quickly 
Antioxidant pills may cause melanoma to spread more quickly
Known for their cancer fighting abilities, these compounds could do more harm than good.