Articles by "Breanna Hammer"

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Breanna Hammer

This author has already written 8 Articles
Is your heart at risk this winter?  Featured
Is your heart at risk this winter?
Cold weather is notoriously tough on your joints, but what about your heart?
What to know about inflammatory breast cancer 
What to know about inflammatory breast cancer
It does not typically cause a lump.
What to expect postpartum 
What to expect postpartum
Recovery looks different for everyone, but there are ways you can prepare.
Can you really be scared to death? 
Can you really be scared to death?
The truth behind the phrase, ‘You almost gave me a heart attack!’
The importance of office ergonomics in a remote world 
The importance of office ergonomics in a remote world
Is it time to upgrade your workspace?
Is laparoscopic surgery right for you? 
Is laparoscopic surgery right for you?
Large scars may be a thing of the past.
This infectious behavior may benefit your health 
This infectious behavior may benefit your health
It may even help you bond with others.