Tips for preventing and treating motion sickness 
Tips for preventing and treating motion sickness
Whether traveling by car, train, plane or boat, there’s nothing quite like motion sickness to ruin a good trip.
Are we on the brink of a physician shortage of epic proportions? 
Are we on the brink of a physician shortage of epic proportions?
By 2025, the U.S. will need nearly 100,000 more doctors to provide care to a growing aging population.
Mom of two: It wasn’t allergies, but heart failure  Featured
Mom of two: It wasn’t allergies, but heart failure
At age 49, SuSu Scialabba was exhausted and short of breath. She had no idea her heart was failing.
Close to your nest. 1,500 Docs. 350 Locations. 
Close to your nest. 1,500 Docs. 350 Locations.
Advocate Medical Group is proud to offer 1,500 docs and 350 locations, which allows you to click and fly in for a same-day appointment or immediate care. Learn more.
Attentiveness saved mom’s life from pancreatic cancer 
Attentiveness saved mom’s life from pancreatic cancer
At age 33, Corinn Sparks never imagined her symptoms could be this cancer. Read her story.
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens 
The dangerous impact of sleepy teens
Kids who are sleep-deprived are associated with higher numbers of unintentional injuries.
How to handle a child’s first ear infection 
How to handle a child’s first ear infection
An expert discusses the symptoms of a painful childhood illness and how to prevent them.