Is a hernia an emergency? 
Is a hernia an emergency?
Lifting heavy objects, coughing and sneezing are a few causes of this condition. Here’s when you need treatment.
Tips for holiday gathering post-surgery 
Tips for holiday gathering post-surgery
Learn precautions for holiday meals and interactions.
A neurologist’s take on concussion bands 
A neurologist’s take on concussion bands
What a neurologist says you need to know to stay safe.
If you take care of others, you need self-care too 
If you take care of others, you need self-care too
Consider these factors when evaluating your own mental health.
Does that burn need medical attention? 
Does that burn need medical attention?
An emergency department doctor offers steps you can take when injured by steaming liquids.
What you should know about x-rays 
What you should know about x-rays
For starters, they aren’t just for broken bones.
What to know about spinal cord injuries 
What to know about spinal cord injuries
This sensitive and important part of the body needs to be treated accordingly.