Articles for Tag: "TBI"

A connection between mild brain injuries and behavioral disorders? 
A connection between mild brain injuries and behavioral disorders?
Children who suffer mTBIs may be at an increased risk of certain conditions years later.
Is rest always best when recovering from a concussion? 
Is rest always best when recovering from a concussion?
Here’s why returning to normalcy may be just what the doctor ordered after suffering a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
A neurologist’s take on concussion bands 
A neurologist’s take on concussion bands
What a neurologist says you need to know to stay safe.
Football players’ brains uncover new insight on concussions 
Football players’ brains uncover new insight on concussions
Research suggests that football-related concussions can actually alter a key part of the brain.
Training for a marathon, nine years after horrific fall  Featured
Training for a marathon, nine years after horrific fall
Recovering from a host of serious injuries, Allison Gwin Kerrigan, now has her sights set on running Chicago’s premiere race.
A teen’s life returned  Featured
A teen’s life returned
Read about one teen’s amazing recovery after a tragic accident.
Favre revelation spotlights football concussion dangers 
Favre revelation spotlights football concussion dangers
Are football players at risk for long-term problems? Learn more.