Articles for Tag: "Dr. Tony Hampton"

Why you’re a mosquito magnet 
Why you’re a mosquito magnet
How you smell may determine if you get bug bites.
Do you need an annual physical? 
Do you need an annual physical?
Here are three reasons why you should get your yearly check-up.
10 home remedies for sore throats  Featured
10 home remedies for sore throats
Here are some natural ways to help soothe your symptoms before heading to the doctor.
How dangerous is secondhand smoke? 
How dangerous is secondhand smoke?
The CDC found that one in four nonsmokers are still being exposed to the harmful chemicals. Learn more.
It’s not too late to quit smoking  Featured
It’s not too late to quit smoking
Research says people who kick the habit by age 40 may live just as long as non-smokers.
Why your child’s fever might be a good thing 
Why your child’s fever might be a good thing
Parents can be alarmed as they watch the thermometer rise. Here’s what you need to know.
Would you quit smoking if you got paid for it? 
Would you quit smoking if you got paid for it?
New study finds that some smokers are twice as likely to quit with financial incentives.