Articles by "Michelle Howe"

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Michelle Howe

This author has already written 17 Articles
5 surprising beauty benefits of coconut oil 
5 surprising beauty benefits of coconut oil
It’s not just for the kitchen.
Is there a divorce season?  Featured
Is there a divorce season?
Research reveals breakups consistently peak around certain times of the year. A psychiatrist weighs in.
Infographic: 4 tips to prevent wrinkles overnight 
Infographic: 4 tips to prevent wrinkles overnight
They’re a normal part of aging, but for those looking to minimize their appearance, an expert offers advice.
Infographic: 6 ways to naturally reduce anxiety 
Infographic: 6 ways to naturally reduce anxiety
An estimated 40 million Americans suffer from some sort of anxiety. An expert shares six simple ways to manage it.
4 surprising health benefits of dark chocolate  Featured
4 surprising health benefits of dark chocolate
Did you know eating dark chocolate can help protect you against harmful UV rays? An expert shares some additional benefits.
Infographic: 4 ways to instantly feel happier 
Infographic: 4 ways to instantly feel happier
A positive mood has been linked to a healthy heart and strong immune system. Try these four tips to stay upbeat.
Is there a divorce season? 
Is there a divorce season?
Research reveals divorces consistently peak around certain times of the year. A psychiatrist weighs in.