Articles for Tag: "family medicine"

Navigating the unknown: How to uncover your family medical history 
Navigating the unknown: How to uncover your family medical history
Deceased family members, lost contact with loved ones and adoption can make it challenging to obtain this important information.
Traveling abroad? Don’t forget your travel vaccines 
Traveling abroad? Don’t forget your travel vaccines
Keep your trip’s itinerary on track with this preventive measure.
The value of establishing a primary care doctor 
The value of establishing a primary care doctor
Some people simply don’t have a primary care doctor because they don’t know what to discuss at their appointments. Here’s why you shouldn’t let that stop you.
Here’s how to read your blood pressure 
Here’s how to read your blood pressure
The set of numbers you see during a blood pressure reading each have a meaning. Plus, learn tips on taking your own blood pressure.
Have a family history of hypertension? Here’s what to do 
Have a family history of hypertension? Here’s what to do
While you can’t change your genetics, you can make these lifestyle modifications to lower your blood pressure.
Could this be the secret to reversing hypertension? 
Could this be the secret to reversing hypertension?
You may blame your salt intake for high blood pressure, but it may not be the only factor in your diet to consider improving.
Can’t remember what your doctor said? Read this 
Can’t remember what your doctor said? Read this
Get tips from an expert on how to get more out of your health visit.