Positive thinking could lead to a successful recovery  Featured
Positive thinking could lead to a successful recovery
An optimistic attitude along with support from friends, family and caregivers are keys to how well patients do after surgery.
My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen 
My love/hate relationship with tamoxifen
Why this little white pill is my daily reminder of how quickly your life can change.
Chasing cancer: Season premiere 
Chasing cancer: Season premiere
How a bit of faith helped me through my breast cancer journey.
Chasing cancer: The prequel 
Chasing cancer: The prequel
Life as I knew it changed forever after my first mammogram.
Treatments keep young sickle cell patient cheering 
Treatments keep young sickle cell patient cheering
Meet Nyiah, who lives life to the fullest thanks to blood filtering treatments as she waits for a bone marrow transplant.
Pomagam kobietom zdiagnozowanym z rakiem piersi 
Pomagam kobietom zdiagnozowanym z rakiem piersi
Read my blog in Polish here. See how I use my journey to help other women in my community.
Sometimes, age is just a number 
Sometimes, age is just a number
90-year-old, Dorothea travels across the world, line dances and practices tai chi to keep her mind and body sharp.