Articles for Tag: "Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center"

Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’ 
Without new antibiotics, growing resistance a ‘ticking time bomb’
The overuse of antibiotics is creating a potential crisis scientist say. New strains of deadly bacteria are proving difficult, if not impossible, to stop.
When it comes to breast cancer surgery, is less really more?  Featured
When it comes to breast cancer surgery, is less really more?
A recent study suggests a more conservative approach is best for treating early-stage breast cancer. Find out why exploring the best treatment options available to you with your doctor could get you well sooner.
Queen’s stomach bug common among non-royalty too 
Queen’s stomach bug common among non-royalty too
Royal watchers and the world learn more about a nasty stomach virus that is common among many but when it comes to seniors, it could be much more dangerous to their health. Find out why.
Pope’s resignation not a surprise to gerontologists 
Pope’s resignation not a surprise to gerontologists
Pope’s resignation shocks everyone except senior care docs.
Decades later, head trauma can lead to memory loss, other issues  Featured
Decades later, head trauma can lead to memory loss, other issues
These days, everyone’s talking about concussions. From high school athletes to weekend warriors to gridiron stars—the sum of all those bruised, beaten brains can lead to serious health issues. But what if you’re an Average Joe? Do you have to worry about the consequences of serious head trauma years, even decades, after you’ve suffered a bump on the head?
Young hearts no longer run free  Featured
Young hearts no longer run free
You’re young. You’re invincible. You have your whole life ahead of you. You don’t worry about things like heart disease, or a sudden heart attack. That’s what your parents—or grandparents—worry about, right? Well, the chances are increasing that you could be very, very wrong. The number of young adults suffering cardiovascular disease is on the rise. Just ask Dan Cavanaugh.