Articles for Tag: "senior health"

Your guide to caring for an aging loved one 
Your guide to caring for an aging loved one
Here’s how you can avoid overstepping while still providing the support they need.
Is it time to hand over the car keys? 
Is it time to hand over the car keys?
Taking away a senior’s driving privileges can cause tension within families. Learn when it’s needed.
Do you feel lonely?  Featured
Do you feel lonely?
Those feelings could be a real risk for your health. Learn what you can do about it.
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?  Featured
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?
Are you confused when you wake up? You’re not alone, experts say.
Your social life could help you live longer 
Your social life could help you live longer
A recent study shows that a sense of belonging can impact the longevity of your life.
Happy wife, happy (and healthy) life 
Happy wife, happy (and healthy) life
A new study finds that men are happier when their wives are more content.
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness? 
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?
Are you confused when you wake? You’re not alone, experts say.