Articles for Tag: "dentist"

What you should know about mouthwash 
What you should know about mouthwash
Just how important is it? The answer may depend on what type you use.
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth 
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth
Good dental hygiene starts long before the first tooth arrives. Here’s how to keep your little one’s mouth healthy.
What’s the deal with morning breath? 
What’s the deal with morning breath?
It happens to just about everyone. Here are three tips to deal with it.
The teeth whitening truths and myths a dentist wants you to know 
The teeth whitening truths and myths a dentist wants you to know
A DIY charcoal remedy is all the rage, but to get your teeth pearly white, follow this advice.
To floss or not to floss? 
To floss or not to floss?
The federal government dropped the recommendation in its latest guidelines, claiming the benefits of flossing have never been proven. Some experts insist that shouldn’t stop you.
Are sugar-free drinks damaging your teeth? 
Are sugar-free drinks damaging your teeth?
A new study shows that these beverages may be just as bad as the sugary ones.
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun 
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun
This technology is getting kids and adults to care about their oral health.