Articles for Tag: "oral hygiene"

What you should know about mouthwash 
What you should know about mouthwash
Just how important is it? The answer may depend on what type you use.
Why you shouldn’t ignore that metallic taste in your mouth 
Why you shouldn’t ignore that metallic taste in your mouth
It could be a sign of one of these more serious health conditions.
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth 
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth
Good dental hygiene starts long before the first tooth arrives. Here’s how to keep your little one’s mouth healthy.
The truth about flossing 
The truth about flossing
Who flosses most frequently? What’s the best technique? And the big question: Are you flossing every day?
The link between Alzheimer’s and brushing your teeth 
The link between Alzheimer’s and brushing your teeth
“We continue to learn the complex way the body interacts with itself.”
To floss or not to floss? 
To floss or not to floss?
The federal government dropped the recommendation in its latest guidelines, claiming the benefits of flossing have never been proven. Some experts insist that shouldn’t stop you.
Is fluoridated drinking water safe for your family?  Featured
Is fluoridated drinking water safe for your family?
A recent controversy has put fluoridated water in the spotlight. Find out why.