Articles for Tag: "teeth"

Do you love chewing ice? It may be a sign of this 
Do you love chewing ice? It may be a sign of this
Learn whether your craving is normal or if you may have this deficiency.
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth 
6 tips for caring for your baby’s teeth
Good dental hygiene starts long before the first tooth arrives. Here’s how to keep your little one’s mouth healthy.
The truth about flossing 
The truth about flossing
Who flosses most frequently? What’s the best technique? And the big question: Are you flossing every day?
The link between Alzheimer’s and brushing your teeth 
The link between Alzheimer’s and brushing your teeth
“We continue to learn the complex way the body interacts with itself.”
The teeth whitening truths and myths a dentist wants you to know 
The teeth whitening truths and myths a dentist wants you to know
A DIY charcoal remedy is all the rage, but to get your teeth pearly white, follow this advice.
What’s living inside your toothbrush? 
What’s living inside your toothbrush?
Micro-organisms like bacteria, germs, fungi and viruses can find themselves at home in your toothbrush. How to keep it clean.
Can failing to floss lead to more than just cavities? 
Can failing to floss lead to more than just cavities?
Ongoing studies reveal surprising correlations between lack of flossing and some serious health issues.