Articles by "Marrison Worthington"

Marrison Worthington
Marrison Worthington

Marrison Worthington, health enews contributor, is a public affairs manager for Advocate Health Care and Aurora Health Care. She is a graduate of Illinois State University and has several years of global corporate communications experience under her belt. Marrison loves spending her free time traveling, reading organizational development blogs, trying new cooking recipes, and playing with her golden retriever, Ari.

This author has already written 64 Articles
Love sleeping in? Here’s how it’s affecting your health 
Love sleeping in? Here’s how it’s affecting your health
Before you press snooze again tomorrow morning, read this.
Surprising factor contributing to Carrie Fisher’s death released 
Surprising factor contributing to Carrie Fisher’s death released
The actress suffered from a disorder affecting 22 million Americans.
Study: The superficial ways you pick your friends 
Study: The superficial ways you pick your friends
New research suggests that outward appearances – and smells – may play a big role in who you choose to spend time with.
Sticking to your diet at Starbucks 
Sticking to your diet at Starbucks
Your daily dose of caffeine doesn’t have to sabotage your weight loss plan.
Could this daily routine prevent dementia? 
Could this daily routine prevent dementia?
An everyday task may help you to keep memory loss at bay.
Tips to combat jet lag  Featured
Tips to combat jet lag
One physician shares how traveling across time zones can disturb your life and what can be done to prevent it.
The No. 1 cancer killer in the U.S. is the least likely to be screened 
The No. 1 cancer killer in the U.S. is the least likely to be screened
New research reveals one group of high-risk individuals isn’t getting checked.