3 sleepwalking myths debunked 
3 sleepwalking myths debunked
Find out what’s really going on in the minds of sleepwalkers. It’s not what you think.
What really happens when you’re afraid? 
What really happens when you’re afraid?
Whether it’s a fake zombie or something closer to reality, the reactions your body goes through when being scared are no trick or treat.
Alcohol could improve memory among seniors 
Alcohol could improve memory among seniors
According to new research, light to moderate drinking in your later years could yield better recollection.
A link between sleep deprivation and Alzheimer’s? 
A link between sleep deprivation and Alzheimer’s?
A small study takes a look at the correlation between the disease and sleep habits.
The later the hour, the stranger the dream 
The later the hour, the stranger the dream
A recent study finds that the most complex dreams tend to happen the longer you sleep.
Young minds benefit from daily exercise 
Young minds benefit from daily exercise
After-school programs focused on physical activity may improve academic success, findings suggest.
Multitasking may be changing your brain 
Multitasking may be changing your brain
When it comes to the amount of time we spend looking at multiple screens, less may be more.