Search Results for: "urban"

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This global issue is causing serious lung damage 
This global issue is causing serious lung damage
These tiny particles can cause big problems.
What’s the difference between a heart attack, cardiac arrest and heart failure?  Featured
What’s the difference between a heart attack, cardiac arrest and heart failure?
There are numerous ways your heart can give out. A specialist explains.
Here’s the good news and bad news for Gen Xers  Featured
Here’s the good news and bad news for Gen Xers
There’s still time to safeguard good health in your golden years.
Here’s another reason to limit processed foods  Featured
Here’s another reason to limit processed foods
Junk can be tasty, sure. But read this.
4 big clues you aren’t getting enough sleep 
4 big clues you aren’t getting enough sleep
Common symptoms may actually be telltale signs you should be counting more sheep.
Why irregular periods should not be ignored at any age 
Why irregular periods should not be ignored at any age
One of the most common causes is a hormone imbalance which can lead to many additional health issues.
Take these steps to live longer 
Take these steps to live longer
Study finds this can help even if you have chronic diseases.