Articles for Tag: "AFib"

Can your smartwatch save your life? 
Can your smartwatch save your life?
Here’s how one of the features can monitor your heart’s rhythm and detect abnormalities.
Drink soda every day? Read this before your next sip 
Drink soda every day? Read this before your next sip
Before you quench your thirst with an artificially sweetened beverage, you may want to consider its impact on your heart.
Treating AFib when blood thinners aren’t an option 
Treating AFib when blood thinners aren’t an option
One minimally invasive procedure involves a device that becomes a part of your body.
Left atrial appendage occlusion procedure gives woman relief after years of blood thinners 
Left atrial appendage occlusion procedure gives woman relief after years of blood thinners
After experiencing many side effects from blood thinners, patient Sharon Chrobak was looking for an alternative solution. Read her story.
Why you shouldn’t ignore that fluttering feeling in your chest 
Why you shouldn’t ignore that fluttering feeling in your chest
Left untreated, your risk for this deadly condition could rise 5 times.
Research shows secondhand smoke could increase your chance of this 
Research shows secondhand smoke could increase your chance of this
Your kids might be especially vulnerable.
Changing your lifestyle is key to managing or preventing this serious condition 
Changing your lifestyle is key to managing or preventing this serious condition
You can make a change and help yourself, an expert nurse says.