Articles for Tag: "clinical trials"

Taking the mystery out of clinical trials: 5 things to know 
Taking the mystery out of clinical trials: 5 things to know
Here are some facts that may surprise you, including the place where it all began.
Should you consider joining a clinical trial? 
Should you consider joining a clinical trial?
You may have a role to play in helping researchers find better treatments for others in the future.
What are the pros and cons to clinical trials?  Featured
What are the pros and cons to clinical trials?
Learn the potential benefits and possible risks before you say yes.
What is convalescent plasma? 
What is convalescent plasma?
A transplant surgeon describes how it just might help COVID-19 patients.
New drug offers hope for Hepatitis C cure 
New drug offers hope for Hepatitis C cure
A new pill may offer quicker treatment, fewer side effects and a higher cure rate. Learn more.
Cracking the code of clinical trials  Featured
Cracking the code of clinical trials
Learn more about cancer clinical trials and what it means to participate in one.
Helping to find a cure for breast cancer  Featured
Helping to find a cure for breast cancer
For one woman with breast cancer, finding a cure isn’t about pink ribbons—it’s about research and clinical trials.