Articles for Tag: "stroke"

How a 7 year-old boy saved his mom’s life 
How a 7 year-old boy saved his mom’s life
CPD Officer Sherece Holland may be working to keep the city safe, but it’s her son who is looking out for her at home.
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable 
9 out of 10 strokes are preventable
A study finds 10 modifiable risk factors responsible for the majority of strokes.
What’s most likely to kill you? You may be surprised 
What’s most likely to kill you? You may be surprised
The CDC released a list of the five leading causes of death for Americans, which account for almost two-thirds of all fatalities.
This food may help you live longer 
This food may help you live longer
Data collected from more than 16,000 Americans reveals an interesting link between longevity and this food.
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this 
Can’t sleep? Don’t do this
Lack of sleep can cause many short- and long-term health problems. One reason sleep eludes you could be relatively easy to fix.
Did Debbie Reynolds die of a broken heart? 
Did Debbie Reynolds die of a broken heart?
Her daughter, Carrie Fisher, died December 27, a day before she unexpectedly passed. An expert offers answers.
Why your migraine might be a good thing 
Why your migraine might be a good thing
Ever heard someone say, a headache is your friend? New research offers one reason why.