Articles for Tag: "West Nile virus"

How to get relief from common bug bites 
How to get relief from common bug bites
Learn which symptoms could signal something more serious.
Repel mosquitoes and ticks with these tips 
Repel mosquitoes and ticks with these tips
And learn why coffee drinkers might get fewer bites.
What you need to know about West Nile Virus 
What you need to know about West Nile Virus
Is it something you need to be concerned about? Here are some recent stats.
Chicago ranked No. 2 worst city for mosquitoes 
Chicago ranked No. 2 worst city for mosquitoes
Learn more about these little buggers and how to protect yourself.
West Nile may be close to home 
West Nile may be close to home
The virus carried by mosquitos and dead birds has been reported in the Chicago region.
5 ways to protect yourself against West Nile 
5 ways to protect yourself against West Nile
Experts urge people to know the signs and symptoms of the virus and to avoid bites when possible.
Are you more attractive to mosquitoes? 
Are you more attractive to mosquitoes?
With West Nile virus on the rise, a physician explains how to keep the pests at bay.