Articles for Tag: "itch"

Repel mosquitoes and ticks with these tips 
Repel mosquitoes and ticks with these tips
And learn why coffee drinkers might get fewer bites.
Curb the itch. It may help you feel happier. 
Curb the itch. It may help you feel happier.
Find out how skin irritation can cause other health concerns if left untreated.
Can this trigger shingles? 
Can this trigger shingles?
One in three adults will have the painful rash at some point in their life — here’s how to avoid it.
What you need to know about poison ivy 
What you need to know about poison ivy
Find out how to avoid these poisonous plants and what to do if you come in contact.
10 home remedies to treat mosquito bites  Featured
10 home remedies to treat mosquito bites
Got a bite? Relief may be as close as your pantry or medicine cabinet.