Articles for Tag: "Aurora"

Telltale signs you may have high cortisol 
Telltale signs you may have high cortisol
Cortisol is essential in the right amounts, but elevated levels can cause certain health conditions.
Permacrisis is real – here’s how you can manage it. 
Permacrisis is real – here’s how you can manage it.
Just hearing about a traumatic event can lead to permacrisis and can have the following impact on your health.
Not lifting weights may be as bad as smoking 
Not lifting weights may be as bad as smoking
Grip strength may be a key factor in determining your biological age. Learn what other lifestyle modifications can help you “reverse” the clock.
The real reason you get sick more in winter 
The real reason you get sick more in winter
Researchers just discovered the biological ‘why’ behind the age-old myth. It may have to do with your nose.
The reason your lips are chapped may surprise you  Featured
The reason your lips are chapped may surprise you
Frigid weather isn’t always the sole cause.
The gentle, healing power of Qigong 
The gentle, healing power of Qigong
Not to be confused with Tai Chi, this ancient Chinese medicine practice may help your body physically and mentally.
The secrets to making a healthy soup 
The secrets to making a healthy soup
Find out which soups you should avoid and how to lighten up the cold weather favorite.