Phlegm or no phlegm? The difference between types of coughs 
Phlegm or no phlegm? The difference between types of coughs
There are a few factors you should pay attention to that differentiate the seriousness and treatment of a cough.
Breaking a sweat with diabetes  Featured
Breaking a sweat with diabetes
If you have type 1 diabetes, there are a few extra precautionary measures you might want to take before exercising.
Is jet lag a choice? 
Is jet lag a choice?
Singer Taylor Swift may think so, but here’s what a sleep expert has to say about the temporary sleep disorder.
Is it heartburn or Barrett’s esophagus syndrome? 
Is it heartburn or Barrett’s esophagus syndrome?
Learn whether the uncomfortable sensation is correlated with a precancerous condition if left untreated.
Your love for junk food might be an actual addiction 
Your love for junk food might be an actual addiction
You might be surprised to learn just how many Americans meet the criteria of having an excessive dependence on this type of food.
Sleep and heart attacks: What’s the connection? 
Sleep and heart attacks: What’s the connection?
About 1 in 3 people have this sleep issue that can impact the body’s defense and regulatory mechanisms and cause long-term health issues.
Do you still feel tired after sleeping? This might be why 
Do you still feel tired after sleeping? This might be why
Not all sleep is created equal. Find out what mistakes you might be making during your bedtime routine.