8 ways to improve the air you breathe 
8 ways to improve the air you breathe
Could ‘Meatless Mondays’ be one way to improve your air quality? Here’s what an expert says.
Find relief from heartburn with these tips 
Find relief from heartburn with these tips
When infrequent, acid reflux can often be controlled. Here’s what foods and drinks you should avoid.
Why you should gut check your digestive health 
Why you should gut check your digestive health
Learn how improving your digestion can reduce your risk for this common cancer.
Here’s how to decide when to keep your child home from school 
Here’s how to decide when to keep your child home from school
It can be a tough call to make. Here are a few factors to consider.
Can sleep apnea impact brain development? 
Can sleep apnea impact brain development?
A sleep expert explains why snoring is never considered normal and how it could have a long-term impact.
What are colorectal polyps? 
What are colorectal polyps?
An expert explains how they can become cancerous over time and the best way they can be detected.