Why you should eat this dietary staple 
Why you should eat this dietary staple
They are nutritious, inexpensive, shelf-stable and easy to use. A dietitian shares the most popular types.
5 reasons your breath smells 
5 reasons your breath smells
You may just need to grab a mint. Or your chronic bad breath could signal something more serious.
Is it possible to break up with diabetes?  Featured
Is it possible to break up with diabetes?
If diabetes or pre-diabetes looms over your head like a bad relationship, you’ll be happy to know there may be a way out.
The health benefits of avocado 
The health benefits of avocado
Looking for a healthy food option? Learn how this fruit can pack essential nutrients into your diet.
These 4 signs may help you spot a heart attack 
These 4 signs may help you spot a heart attack
Do you know them?
Who’s most at risk of developing blood clots? 
Who’s most at risk of developing blood clots?
Knowing the causes of these potentially deadly circulatory system problems can help you avoid them.
Could a little bit of shame help save lives? 
Could a little bit of shame help save lives?
This social tactic may help loved ones in your life kick their smoking habit.