Articles for Tag: "air quality"

Are summer colds worse than winter colds?  Featured
Are summer colds worse than winter colds?
It’s not just your imagination. A few factors can aggravate your symptoms.
8 ways to improve the air you breathe 
8 ways to improve the air you breathe
Could ‘Meatless Mondays’ be one way to improve your air quality? Here’s what an expert says.
What exactly are we inhaling from these wildfires? 
What exactly are we inhaling from these wildfires?
And will there be long-term health consequences?
Should you be concerned about the air quality index? 
Should you be concerned about the air quality index?
Learn how children and adults can plan ahead for poor air quality.
The hidden hazard of gas stoves 
The hidden hazard of gas stoves
A sustainability expert shares tips on how to improve air quality in the home.
How to keep the air in your home clean  Featured
How to keep the air in your home clean
Air pollution is down as people stay home during the COVID-19 pandemic. But what about the air in your house?
Does burning candles affect the air you breathe?  Featured
Does burning candles affect the air you breathe?
Read what experts say about candles and get tips on how to burn them correctly.